三等入選 オープン設計コンペ 2023年
Connecting, not separating. The generous L-shape of the Nordwestbahnhof educational campus allows for a large contiguous open space in the south, which merges seamlessly into the „green centre“ of the urban development area.
The aim is to create a human scale suitable for children. For this reason, the 80-100 metre long façade areas are broken down into smaller sections. Blocks that are shifted against each other and nested within each other form a clear architectural language that breaks up the large dimensions. Base storeys make the building appear lower.
A spacious, clear and easily orientated entrance leads to the foyer via the „campus square“. From there, two clear, easy-to-find staircase cores provide vertical access to the building complex. These cores are always directly connected to the educational areas and other creative spaces or the dining rooms. Everything is easily accessible via short and simple routes.
Kindergarten, primary school, junior high school, musik school, 3 Gyms
Floor area
Nordwestbahnhof , 1020 Vienna
City of Vienna
General planner, Architecture
Landscape planning
idealice Landschaftsarchitektur ZT
KS-Ingenieure ZT GmbH
HTB Plan
Hoyer Brandschutz
hacon GmbH
S.E.A. Team
Edoardo Barbato, Danizeth Khuako, Matthias Kraßnitzer, Theresa Steiner, Kazuhiro Yajima